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Citizen initiatives

Our city is at the very heart of a transformation of production and consumption mode that are more Earth respectfull toward Earth, men and women which also involve in citizenship initiatives.

Incredible Edibles

The thought of a open vegetable garden with Incredible Edibles France of Landerneau  has been launched during the first environment day the 16th of June 2018.

The potentiel area for such an experimentation could be in the park alongside the healthcare house.

For instance the Gouvernement of United Kingdom and England publicly and regularily advertise on this « Incredible Edible » citizenship initiative and to the new virtuous economy if offers while allowing people to reconnect to each other, to the Earth and to the local vegetable production. Children’s education and their implication in the process is recognised as fondamental and a priority to new development models. The gardener children co-create with their families the new shared abondance. Even Prince Charles himself brought to them his recognition and support to the general interest of the people and for the natural ressources preservation.

The autonomy and co-responsability of everyone lead to the sovereignty of all .


Small orchads for all

During the first environment day the 16th of June 2018, a first row of raspberry bushes has been planted along the green path connecting Le Faou to Rumengol. Each citizen can maintain and collect the fruits of this collective planting which also help maintaining the bank.

Communal orchad project

In order to protect the city water source of Pen ar vern, the towship whishes to buy this farm land to set up an orchad.

Its planting, its maintainance, and the fruits gathering will be opportunities to allow citizens to participate and to come clother to their surrounding environment.

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